Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mochi Durian ice-cream /black sesame

A lovely dessert, soft, slightly sweet , and chewy, this is wonderful traditional dessert. Ready in only mins. Best with steaming hot chinese tea. 

I divided the recipe into two halves for one batch each of black sesame paste mochi and durian icecream mochi. 

Very easy to make . 

Side note : the mochi dough is SUPER sticky, so be sure to prepare your surface and hands with starch before making the balls . Otherwise , very yummy and easy !

1/2 cup glutinous rice flour
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup water
wheat starch for dusting


Homemade Durian ice-cream(refer to my ice-cream recipe) /black sesame paste 

Pour glutinious rice flour into a bowl and combine it with the water. Stir it well and add in the sugar and whisk until well combine. Stir it well, and cover with plastic wrap. Put the bowl in the microwave and heat for 2mins. After 2mins , take it out and give the mochi a stir so that it doesn't burn. Cover it and back to the microwave for another 30secs to finish cooking. You can tell that it's done when the dough is shiny and almost translucent. Now cover your work surface with some plastic wrap and dust it generously with wheat starch . Pour the mochi on the work surface and sprinkle on some more starch on top. The wheat starch is to keep the mochi from sticking to everything cus it's going to be super sticky ! Once it's cooled down enough, start spreading it out into a nice thin layer. If it starts to stick to your rolling pin, just add more wheatstarch. Cut the dough into even 3inch square pieces with a knife, let it chill in the fridge for about 30 mins.and now you're ready to form your mochi balls. Take your  mochi layers and ice cream out of the fridge . Then quickly take a layer of mochi dough and then wrap it over the icecream/sesame paste. Back to the fridge and chill the mochi ball for at lease 45 mins before serving.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Maccha custard crepe cake

The simple stacking of crepe cakes and custard cream results in a silky texture and delicious flavor. Personally i prefer the original one but if you are into green tea, you will be a big fan of this version. A very decadent cake! Both my hubby and i love it!

100g cake flour
2egg 50g sugar
1tbsp greentea powder
200ml milk
1tbsp oilive oil

custard cream(recipe is on the blog now)
500ml milk
3egg yolk
3tsp wheat starch
1/4 cup sugar
drops of  vanilla essence 

In a mixing bowl , sieve in the flour , sugar, green tea powder and mix well. Add the milk and oilive oil and mix until it forms a smooth and slightly fluid batter . Sieve the batter into a container ,cover the batter and chill in the fridge for 1 hour.

To prepare crepes, heat a non stick pan over medium high heat with a light coating of olive oil. Pour about 1/4 cup batter into pan , swirling it until it evenly coats the bottom is golden and the top is set, about a minute. Carefully flip to another other and cook for 15 - 20 seconds. Transfer the crepe to a baking sheet to cool . Continue with the remaining batter. It's fine to stack the crepes to cool completely. To assemble the cake , lay first crepe on the serving plate and spread with 1 tbsp curtard cream , repeat with all the crepes until you place the last crepe. Chill the cake in fridge . Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving . Bon appetit!